Projects: Scotland

- map of projects
These are seven farm-based AD facilities in SW Scotland. The equipment was supplied by Greenfinch. The digesters were procured and are owned by the Scottish Executive.
The farm locations are as follows:
- New Farm (with electricity generation), The Ryes and Castle Farm; Southwick, Dumfries, Scotland
- Corsock Farm; Dalbeattie, Scotland
- Sorbie, Knockrivoch and Meikle Laught Farms; Saltcoats, Ayrshire, Scotland
Each of these dairy farms has its own digester and gas collection equipment. They were installed in 2004 in order to provide research into solutions to water pollution problems from farm runoff and a source of useful by-products for the farmers. They were procured, and are owned by the Scottish Executive.
Cattle slurry/ manure from the farm, no material is imported.
Heat- The biogas produced is used to generate heat for the houses and other farm buildings. Electricity- At New Farm, a 15kW electricity generator is installed, to provide power for farm use (not grid connected). Digestate- Liquid fertilisers, can be spread back on the grazing land
More Information
Greenfinch New Farm anaerobic digestion system, with power generation: